Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Services

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking there are resources on campus to serve your needs. You are not alone and it’s not your fault.
Georgetown University Confidential Resources
All services are free and confidential.
Health Education Services:
If you or someone you know has concerns relating to sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking, there are resources available for education, support, medical care, and legal action. Regardless of how much time has passed since the incident, you can seek help. The Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Team has several clinicians whose area of expertise is working with and assisting survivors of interpersonal violence. These services are confidential, and clinicians do not report to Title IX. EMAIL the SARP team at in order to reach a confidential clinician to schedule an appointment.
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS). To schedule an appointment please contact the main line at (202) 687.6985.
Access Resources through your Mobile Phone or Device
The District of Columbia has created a comprehensive website and app for smart phones that features resources, medical care information and other services for survivors of gender based violence. Georgetown University resources are also available on this app and website.
For more information go to the U ASK website and you can download the U ASK application by accessing the app at the iTunes app store (it is free) or through the DROID Marketplace. Please contact the Women’s Center for more information.
Medical Care
Washington Hospital Center and the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program
The SANE program is provided at the Washington Hospital Center(110 Irving Street, NW Washington, DC 20010 (202) 877.7000). For more information about SANE and/or medical care options please contact the Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Coordinator during regular business hours or the DC Rape Crisis Center (202) 333-RAPE for after hours advocacy. We strongly encourage you to seek out advocacy and support to understand all of your options to make the decision that is best for you at this time.
Off Campus Services and Resources
Survivors of violence, friends, family members and supporters are also encouraged to utilize local Washington, DC resources as well as national hotlines. Please contact us with any questions about these specific agencies.
DC Rape Crisis Center (DCRCC)
Local 24 Hour Rape Crisis Services (Free & Confidential)
(202) 333.7273
Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC)
(202) 742.1720 5321
First Place, NE Washington, DC 20011
Rape Abuse Incest National Network (RAINN)
National 24 Hour Rape Crisis Hotline
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
National Online Hotline
SAFE, Inc. (Survivors and Advocates for Empowerment)
(202) 408.1476
PO Box 7412
Washington, DC 20044