The Women’s Center provides resources and referrals for the following issues and concerns: women’s health and wellness topics, pregnancy tests, sexual health, body image, and gender based violence and harassment. Feel free to visit us in the OSEI space in the New South lower level (accessible off of Tondorf Road, across from Leo’s and below HFSC) or schedule an appointment by emailing Below are resources and referrals that we provide to the entire University community.
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Resources
As a semi-confidential Title IX reporting space, we help students in crisis situations. A semi-confidential space means that son-identifying information about an incident of sexual assault will be shared with a Title IX Coordinator; you will not be contacted by a Title IX Coordinator. For more information on sexual assault response resources, see Sexual Assault, Relationship & Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking Support and Resources .

If you are looking for information on how to respond to sexual assault, this guide outlines many options:

Trans, Non-binary, and Gender non-conforming Resources
The Women’s Center supports students of all genders and identities. Georgetown University is committed to creating an inclusive, safe, and welcoming campus for all members of our community across all gender and sexual identities. The following provides general guidelines for specific areas of campus life, and applies to students, faculty, staff, and other visitors to campus as appropriate or relevant. Resources for Trans, Non-binary, and Gender Non-conforming students, staff, and faculty @GU
Support and Resources for Faculty and Staff
Faculty & Staff Assistance Program
Lactation Rooms and Facilities for Nursing Parents
Graduate & Professional School Organizations
Georgetown University professional schools and graduate programs offer programs, initiatives, fellowships and organizations that support women students, faculty and staff. For more information, see Graduate School Programs .
Campus Resources
We partner with many offices on campus. Below are some of the most frequently utilized resources. If you are looking for something else, reach out to and we can refer you to another office.
Academic Resource Center
335 Leavey Center, (202) 687-8354
Campus Ministry
113 Healy Hall, (202) 687-8517
Career Education Center
1st Floor Leavey Center (Next to the Bookstore), (202) 687-3493
Center for Social Justice
1421 37th Street, NW, #130, (202) 687-5330
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
Darnall Hall, (202) 687-6985
Village C, West Wing, (202) 687-4343
New South Lower Level, (202) 892-0654
Health Education Services
1437 37th St. NW, Poulton Hall, Suite 101, (202) 687-8949
LGBTQ Resource Center
New South Lower Level, (202) 687-3546
Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action
M-36 Darnall Hall, (202) 687-4798
1300 36th Street N.W., (202) 687-3428
3520 Prospect Street NW, Car Barn 312-B, (202) 687-2708