Women’s History Month 2025

Women's History Month: 
Rest is Resistance
-Tricia Hersey
Women's Center Logo

The Women’s Center is thrilled to announce our Women’s History Month theme: “Rest is Resistance” 

Grind culture is the name of the game at Georgetown. “Busy” is often the response to the question, “How are you?” In the face of a culture where your worth is determined by what you produce, the Women’s Center affirms that you have worth, just by being you. Creator of the Nap Ministry, Tricia Hersey, affirms, “Rest is resistance.” This Women’s History Month, we invite you to the radical act of rest. Rest looks different for each person and situation. It’s not a consumeristic obsession with self-care, but a radical subversion of hustle culture. We don’t earn rest; just by existing, we are worthy of rest. Let us collectively resist the tendency to always do more, be more, fill our schedules, and compete over how busy we are. What are you resting from?

Women’s History Month Events

This month is filled with events in the Women’s Center, at Georgetown, and across DC. You can check out this listing of all the events, and we’d like to draw your attention to a few special events:

The Women’s History Month keynote address is Ink & Intimacy: The Feminist Case for Romance Novels with Lauren Layne on March 20. Students can pick up a copy of Miranda in Retrograde in the Women’s Center, HFSC lower level. This event is wheelchair accessible and there is assistive listening technology. There is a sensory room nearby. Please contact womenscenter@georgetown.edu with other accessibility requests.

Women’s History Month Events

All Upcoming Events

Chaplains’ Tea: Women’s CenterMar. 18

  • 3:00 pm
  • Healy Hall Foyer

Ink & Intimacy: The Feminist Case for Romance Novels with Lauren LayneMar. 20

  • 6:30 pm
  • Office of Student Equity and Inclusion Community Room

Georgetown University Wikipedia Edit-a-thon 2025Mar. 21

  • 2:00 pm
  • Office of Student Equity and Inclusion (OSEI) at the Garden Level of Healey Family Student Center