Collaborate with the Women’s Center
The Women’s Center loves collaborating with student groups, academic centers, classes, and organizations on campus! Here are some ways we can collaborate with you:

- Expertise: We have an expertise in the following areas: gender on campus, feminism, intersectionality, gender-based violence, sexual assault awareness, response & prevention, building inclusive communities, gender & religion, women in leadership, and many more areas related to women and gender.
- Guest Speaking: Dr. Annie Selak is available to speak to your club, class, or serve on a panel. She can speak on the following topics: feminist theology, women & religion, sexual assault prevention & response, gender-based violence, clergy sex abuse crisis, intersectionality, inclusive pedagogy, Ignatian spirituality & pedagogy, challenges facing the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, and many more topics related to gender, religion, and education.
- Partnership: We have partnered with other offices on events such as “Black Women and Criminal (In)justice: Missing Voices in the U.S. Incarceration Conversation” and “Shakti: Powerful Feminine: A Navarātri 2020 Speaker Series.” We would love to partner with you on an event.
- Planning: The Women’s Center can help you plan and program events around gender, equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice. These events can focus on student life at Georgetown, or use this lens to look at larger national and international issues.

Student Groups
- Co-sponsorship: Requests for co-sponsorship can be sent to Annie at
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: The Women’s Center can help you address gender equity and diversity in your club and club leadership.
- Newsletter: Want to include something in our newsletter? Email by Friday at 12 noon. Our newsletter goes out every Monday.

- Guest Lectures: Dr. Annie Selak is available to guest lecture in classes. Some topics she can address are feminist theology, women & religion, clergy sex abuse crisis, intersectionality, Ignatian spirituality & pedagogy, racism and sexism in the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, trauma & theology, ecclesiology, post-graduate service, vocation & discernment, and many more topics related to gender, religion, and education.
- Resources: Professors often want to introduce students to the resources on campus. Our staff is able to come to your class to discuss the Women’s Center and resources on campus related to gender. We can also partner with the LGBTQ Resource Center for class visits.
- Gender in the Classroom: We are available to help professors and students think critically about how gender functions in the classroom environment. We can do this via canvas, 1:1 conversations, curriculum planning, or class visits.