Sexual Citizens

On September 27, we hosted Jennifer Hirsch and Shamus Khan, authors of Sexual Citizens: A Landmark Study of Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus (2021). Dr. Nadia E. Brown facilitated the conversation.

Sexual Citizens is a groundbreaking study that transforms how we understand and address sexual assault. Through intimate portraits of life and sex among today’s college students, the authors reveal the social ecosystem that makes sexual assault a predictable element of life on a college campus. The powerful concepts of sexual projects, sexual citizenship, and sexual geographies, provide a new language for understanding the forces that shape young people’s sexual relationships. The result transforms our understanding of sexual assault and provides a new roadmap for how to address it.

This program was presented by the Gender+ Justice Initiative, Women’s Center, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Georgetown College, Title IX Office, and Student Health Services.

The entirety of the conversation of Sexual Citizens with Jennifer Hirsch and Shamus Khan, moderated by Dr. Nadia E. Brown


Jennifer Hirsch, professor of socio-medical sciences, Columbia University

Shamus Khan, professor of sociology and American studies, Princeton University

Nadia Brown (moderator), professor of government; director, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Georgetown University

CONTENT WARNING: it’s important to note that our discussion of Sexual Citizens contains descriptions of sexual assaults, as students actually experienced them. This material can be hard to listen to, and we know survivors could be triggered. Please take care of yourselves, and know that you are not alone. Find resources and support below.

You can also view the written transcript

More information and resources on the book:

Sexual Assault Resources and Support:
National Sexual Assault RAINN  Hotline:  800-656-4673

Georgetown Resources:
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Student Health Services: